General Conference Overview:  

  1. What is RISE UP and why is it important?  
    RISE UP (Revolutionizing Investigations to StEp Up Prevention) for Breast Cancer is a new, exciting interdisciplinary breast cancer meeting to be held at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, CA from November 1-3, 2024. This meeting is co-organized by the University of California, San Francisco, University of Minnesota, Dana Farber and Medicines360 (Session 12). It aims to address the best strategies to reduce breast cancer mortality. It will leverage what we know about breast cancer biology, treatment, and hormonal management to better approach breast cancer prevention.  

    An important goal of the meeting is to foster inter- and trans- disciplinary approaches and collaborative strategies across the gynecology, oncology and primary care fields focused on reducing breast cancer incidence. We are also examining innovative therapeutic approaches for women with operable breast cancer. The new collaborations born at RISE UP aim to be paradigm shifting and it is an innovative, bold, and unique initiative and represents a forum that does not currently exist.  

    Excitingly, at the end of the meeting, there will be an innovative “Ideas to Implementation” session which will be held at the end of the meeting. Awards will be given. This session aims to inspire and engage the innovator, investor, researcher, pharmaceutical, and patient advocate communities to spur idea generation and investment in reimagining how we can best integrate breast cancer risk reduction and prevention into health care products used during a woman’s life course.  

  2. Where will RISE UP be held?  
    RISE UP will be held from November 1-3, 2024, at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco. 

  3. How are the general conference sessions structured? 
    Each conference session will be ~2 hours, where 2-3 speakers will be chosen from selected abstracts and 1-2 speakers will be invited to give a 10–15-minute summary talk at the end. A full list of sessions is found on the RISE UP website.

  4. How do I register to attend RISE UP? 
    Registration is live.

  5. What are the important dates for the RISE UP?  

    1. Meeting registration is open now!

    2. Abstracts: 

      1. Abstract Submissions close: September 1st

      2. Abstract Notification: September 10th  

    3. Award Applications Open  

      1. Concept Submissions close: September 1st 

      2. Finalists notified: September 15th 

      3. Pitch Deck due: October 15th  

  6. Is RISE UP both virtual and in person? 
    RISE UP is an in-person conference only. There is no virtual option.  

  7. What is the expected number of attendees that will come to RISE UP? 
    We are hoping for at least 250 guests in the first year. 

  8. Can I present my work at RISE UP and other conferences?  
    Yes, we welcome you to present your work at both RISE UP and other conferences.  

Abstract submissions:  

  1. If I submit an abstract, how might my work be shared to conference attendees?  
    If selected to be presented, your abstract will can either be chosen as one of the speaker slots in the general session. All general sessions will also have a corresponding poster session so there is more opportunity for individuals to share important work. 

  2. When are abstracts due? And when will I hear if my abstract is accepted?  
    Abstracts are due on September 1st, 2024. Abstract notification of acceptance will be by September 10th.  

  3. What is the size limit for an abstract?  
    The size limit (including title and body) is 3,400 characters; this does not include spaces.  

  4. How many abstracts can an author submit?  
    There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author can submit.  

  5. How do I submit my abstract?  
    You can submit your abstract on the RISE UP submission portal.  

Cost to attend the conference:  

  1. What is the registration fee for the conference?  
    The early bird registration rate for general conference attendees is $500. Register early to secure this rate! Registration for student and trainees will be heavily discounted to make it more accessible for those early in their career to attend. The early bird rate for these individuals is $200. The RISE UP team will also provide small travel grants for advocates and students. These are limited, so please email [email protected] if you are interested in applying for one of these grants.  

  2. What is the cost of a hotel room at the Hotel Nikko?  
    RISE UP has secured a $179/night rate on rooms at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, where the conference will be held. Book early to ensure you can take advantage of this great deal! 

  3. Is there expense re-imbursement for speakers whose abstracts are selected for presentation? 
    As RISE UP is a first-time meeting, we are currently not able to cover the expenses of those accepted to present their abstract during a general session. However, we are working on securing funding and will have final details closer to the meeting to see expenses can be covered.