RISE UP (Revolutionizing Investigations to StEp Up Prevention) for Breast Cancer is a new interdisciplinary conference that will bring together practitioners, scientists, advocates and more across women's health specialties and leverage what we know about breast cancer biology, treatment, and hormonal management to better approach breast cancer prevention and treatment. The conference will discuss the rise of precision treatment for breast cancer and how it can best inform precision prevention. One goal is to explore new ways to manage cycle control, birth control, postpartum weaning, IVF, and post-menopausal symptom management so that these interventions will reduce the risk and incidence of breast cancer.
The meeting will culminate in a competition to determine the best ideas and prizes will be given. It is our hope that this meeting will spark new and exciting ways to take what we know about breast cancer and marry what we know about hormonal management in women and platform trial design to catalyze advancements in the breast cancer prevention and treatment field. All of us together, working to reduce the risk of getting, progressing, or dying of breast cancer, will improve options for women’s health.
If you are involved in women’s health or breast cancer, you won’t want to miss this meeting!
Contact [email protected] with any questions!